Dec 25, 2008

Bob and Molly wallpaper from Switchblade

Bob has a relatively huge role in the episode 'Switchblade'. Being a babysitter for Dr. Death was easy, his sarcastic look in the flight cabin was memorable. We haven't seen Molly for a couple episodes in a month or two. Glad to see her last week!

Next episode 12 'Bad Beat' will air on 4th Jan, 09. A new year for the Unit!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Drive safe during this snowy weather as always.

Dec 16, 2008

Alpha team in Syria (updated w/ 3 colors) and Sgt. Kayla 'Dog Patch' wallpaper

The first team wallpaper of the Unit (4 mysterious men in costume with beautiful Syrian background). Carlito seems tiny there :P
Updated with 3 colors including original and adjust the size.

Sgt. Kayla has been with us since day 1. She has to be the key in TOC. Much appreciation needed for her. Am I right?

Dec 2, 2008

Charles Grey - Betty Blue ("Dark" B&W and Color)

I like the look on this. 'So what's the plan, Top?'
I have to make two version of it.
I prefer him with long hair. I won't object him if he wants change. He's still Mr. Grey.

Kim (B&W)

I just like Black and White, so I made one with Kim. I still think her hair is great here :)
This is taken from Mislead & Misguide. She's heating up in the show. Make sure to check out the Cast section of the official fan forum.