Dec 25, 2008

Bob and Molly wallpaper from Switchblade

Bob has a relatively huge role in the episode 'Switchblade'. Being a babysitter for Dr. Death was easy, his sarcastic look in the flight cabin was memorable. We haven't seen Molly for a couple episodes in a month or two. Glad to see her last week!

Next episode 12 'Bad Beat' will air on 4th Jan, 09. A new year for the Unit!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Drive safe during this snowy weather as always.

Dec 16, 2008

Alpha team in Syria (updated w/ 3 colors) and Sgt. Kayla 'Dog Patch' wallpaper

The first team wallpaper of the Unit (4 mysterious men in costume with beautiful Syrian background). Carlito seems tiny there :P
Updated with 3 colors including original and adjust the size.

Sgt. Kayla has been with us since day 1. She has to be the key in TOC. Much appreciation needed for her. Am I right?

Dec 2, 2008

Charles Grey - Betty Blue ("Dark" B&W and Color)

I like the look on this. 'So what's the plan, Top?'
I have to make two version of it.
I prefer him with long hair. I won't object him if he wants change. He's still Mr. Grey.

Kim (B&W)

I just like Black and White, so I made one with Kim. I still think her hair is great here :)
This is taken from Mislead & Misguide. She's heating up in the show. Make sure to check out the Cast section of the official fan forum.

Nov 30, 2008

Little something about Kim (Audrey Marie Anderson)

Just googled some of her things. I might as well share it with the Unit fans here. Two photos of her in 03. Yes she had her shoulder length hair!!!

A little interview of her during season 2:

The official fans board is retarded..Links cannot be properly displayed..It changes the link for you in other words.

Nov 29, 2008

The Unit logo taken from a CBS clip

I thought the logo on those CBS short clips is cool. It's a clean plain text Unit background. Simple is the best!

Nov 27, 2008

Jonas in action (original, sepia and black & white)

I was experimenting with the bloom effect. They turned out alright. I made three copies of different colors.

Latest addition to this batch. Jonas with a gun :D You scare?

The Unit: homemade Wallpaper for Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving for those Unit fan out there. I made the fans some simple wallpaper backgrounds out from the episode 'Shadow Rider' and 'Into Hell'. It fits perfectly on my Mac. I hope it fits yours as well! It's my first attempt making any kind of wallpaper.
