Nov 30, 2008

Little something about Kim (Audrey Marie Anderson)

Just googled some of her things. I might as well share it with the Unit fans here. Two photos of her in 03. Yes she had her shoulder length hair!!!

A little interview of her during season 2:

The official fans board is retarded..Links cannot be properly displayed..It changes the link for you in other words.

Nov 29, 2008

The Unit logo taken from a CBS clip

I thought the logo on those CBS short clips is cool. It's a clean plain text Unit background. Simple is the best!

Nov 27, 2008

Jonas in action (original, sepia and black & white)

I was experimenting with the bloom effect. They turned out alright. I made three copies of different colors.

Latest addition to this batch. Jonas with a gun :D You scare?

The Unit: homemade Wallpaper for Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving for those Unit fan out there. I made the fans some simple wallpaper backgrounds out from the episode 'Shadow Rider' and 'Into Hell'. It fits perfectly on my Mac. I hope it fits yours as well! It's my first attempt making any kind of wallpaper.
